The initiative promoted by Fondazione Milan and Milan’s Municipality is aimed at the regeneration of urban spaces to turn them into inclusion and social aggregation spaces and sports facilities. Limonta Sport is the technical partner of the project.

Milan, February 14, 2020 – “In gioco per il futuro” is the project launched by Fondazione Milan, in collaboration with Milan’s Municipality and Limonta Sport, the Italian leading company in development and production of artificial and hybrid turf, with the aim of regenerating existing urban areas or sports facilities. The initiative provides for urban spaces to become places of cohesion and aggregation, where sports have a leading role in promoting integration and social inclusion.

The areas were identified together with Milan’s Municipality, which suggested the priorities for the works. The first step involves the playing area of the Istituto Comprensivo Statale Alda Merini (formerly ICS Via Pareto), in via Gallarate 15. And this morning the first foundation stone of a 5-a-side football field and of a multi-sports pitch was laid. To date the spaces have not been used a lot due to the state of the surfaces and the presence of outdated equipment.

The event was attended by a large number of the school’s students together with Laura Galimberti, Councillor for Education of the Municipality of Milan, Angelo Lucio Rossi, School Principal of the Istituto Comprensivo Statale Alda Merini, Franco Baresi, legendary AC Milan captain and Ambassador of Fondazione Milan, Rocco Giorgianni, Secretary General at Fondazione Milan, and Emilio Ostinelli, Area Manager at Limonta Sport.

The value of sport is very high. The major objectives of life can be achieved through commitment, sacrifice and always challenging yourself – said Franco BaresiThe revitalisation of places to practice sports is a positive news especially if inside a school. I am more than happy that Fondazione Milan together with Milan’s Municipality has undertaken this virtuous path for the benefit of the territory and the community.

We want to make these spaces more enjoyable and accessible for the communities concerned. In this case – added Rocco Giorgianni Secretary General at Fondazione Milan – the students and the young people of the neighbourhood, who are part of the ‘Open Schools’ project, will be able to take advantage of facilities suitable for hosting all the energy released through sports and to create new bonds of friendship.”

“Thanks to the synergy between public and private – stated the Councillor for education Laura Galimberti – we will be able to offer the boys and girls of the Alda Merini school and, later, we hope to many others, full-equipped playing areas and sports facilities. In addition to contributing to the development of its students’ skills, the school must foster social relations and outdoor sporting activity is fundamental to achieve this goal. It is very positive that the building of this type of educational opportunities involves the collaboration of the city’s different subjects both public and private.”

 This moment is extraordinary and exciting – commented the School Principal Angelo Lucio Rossi -. It’s like we felt the responsibility of building something for the many youngsters, something that is going to last over time. It was like having laid a foundation stone for football, also in a metaphorical way: I think of football for life because sport is going to fuel the growth and the freedom of these children.

 “An ambitious project – explained Emilio Ostinelli Area Manager at Limonta Sport – that we enthusiastically support. Limonta Sport has been linked to AC Milan for 16 years thanks to a partnership for the supply of both the installation and the maintenance of their training pitches. With this project, Fondazione Milan allows us to make our know-how and professionalism available to the Milanese community. We will use the best technologies on the market to give young players the best artificial or resin and pvc pitches fit for high and fully safe performances.”

 The completion of the works is scheduled for May with the aim to use the new sports areas before school-year end.

In gioco per il futuro - Fondazione Milan
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